Thursday, 16 August 2012

Discover how learning can change your life

Sylvia Mitchell
Last week St Helens College celebrated Adult Learners Week,the UK’s largest annual festival of learning; inspiring thousands of people each year to discover how learning can change their lives.
St Helens College produces inspiring adult student success stories on a weekly basis like Thomas Bartley, a 64 year old health and social care apprentice who decided to embark on a new profession and 65 year old IT student Sylvia Mitchell, who has developed her IT skills as well as her confidence during her studies at College.
As we celebrate the success of our adult learners, a recent survey indicates that more than one-third of adults have not participated in learning since leaving full-time education.  The annual survey by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) also found that 62 per cent of adults have not participated in learning in the last three years – a five per cent decline since 2010.
Developing existing or new skills can help people secure jobs, advance their career or progress into new career opportunities.  Did you know that on average a person with a level 3 qualification earns on average £3,000 more per year than those without.  Learning can also help to keep you healthy and stimulate your mind.
The best way for you to maximise your full potential is to choose a course that you enjoy and find interesting.  St Helens College provide part time and full time courses for adults across the region.   We know from the success of our previous adult students, that when people are given the right opportunities, their lives really do change for the better.  We have taught and trained thousands of adult learners, who have progressed in their chosen career or developed new opportunities as a result of studying on a course at St Helens College.
We currently have a range of courses for adults starting in June, for more information visit our website or contact Student Services on 0800 99 66 99.

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