Tuesday, 27 November 2012

St Helens College in top 25% Nationally for Maximising Student Potential in Sixth Form Provision

St Helens College is delighted to announce that it is now placed in the top 25% of colleges and schools across the country for maximising students’ potential at sixth form level. 
The ALPS report is the result of 25 years of careful research and development by a team of outstanding educational experts.  The aim of ALPS and the reports that they produce is to help staff in schools and colleges to enhance recruitment, retention and achievements of students studying on A levels, AS levels and BTEC National qualifications.
A 9 point grading system is used to highlight the impact a school or college has on the distance a student has travelled from their qualifications on entry, through their learning experience and the final grades that they achieve.  St Helens College achieved a grade 3 (Excellent), placing it in the top 25% of schools and colleges in the country.  This is an increase from a grade 4 (top 40%) that the College achieved in 2011 and illustrates the College’s continuous drive to improve year on year. 
This excellent news comes just after an independent student survey,  undertaken by the Higher Education Government Agency reported that the College is now placed 11th nationally for student satisfaction (95%), 4th nationally for assessment and 6th nationally for academic support on our Higher Education programmes.
We are very proud of our fast growing reputation for developing students and maximising their potential and this latest ALPS report indicates that students really are fulfilling their true potential at the College.